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INT 10h, 10h (16) Set Palette Registers PCjr, EGA
Sets the palette and overscan (border) registers on the PCjr and EGA.
On entry: AH 10h
AL Subservice
0 - Set palette register
BL Palette register
BH Value to set
1 - Set overscan (border) color register
BH Value to set
2 - Set palette registers and border register
ES:DX Pointer to color list
3 - Toggle intensify/blinking bit
BL 0 - Enable intensify
BL 1 - Enable blinking
VGA Only:
7 - BL = Color register to get in BH
8 - Returns overscan value in BH
9 - Return list of palette registers & over-
scan value
ES:DX Pointer to list
10h- Set color register
BX Register to set
CH,CL,DL Green/Blue/Red
1Ah- Get color page info
BL Mode
BH Page
Registers destroyed: AX, SP, BP, SI, DI
There are 16 palette registers on the EGA and PCjr displays and 1
overscan (border) register. This service gives the user control over
these registers. The four subservices are explained below.
Subservice 0 (Set Palette Register)
Each of the 16 palette registers can take on 1 of 64 values. the value
in BH is formatted as follows:
Bit 7 - Reserved
Bit 6 - Reserved
Bit 5 - Secondary Red
Bit 4 - Secondary Green
Bit 3 - Secondary Blue
Bit 2 - Red
Bit 1 - Green
Bit 0 - Blue
The secondary colors have an intensity of 1/3, while the normal colors
have an intensity of 2/3. For example, BH = 02h will produce green, BH
= 10h will produce a dim green, and BH = 12h will produce a bright
The default values for the palette registers, which are the same as
the Color Graphics Adapter (CGA), are defined below:
Register Color value Color
00h 00h Black
01h 01h Blue
02h 02h Green
03h 03h Cyan
04h 04h Red
05h 05h Magenta
06h 14h Brown
07h 07h White
08h 38h Dark Gray
09h 39h Light Blue
0Ah 3Ah Light Green
0Bh 3Bh LIght Cyan
0Ch 3Ch Light Red
0Dh 3Dh Light Magenta
0Eh 3Eh Yellow
0Fh 3Fh Bright White
Subservice 1 (Set Overscan (Border) Register)
This subservice sets the border color. The Enhanced Color Display
supports overscan in 200-line modes only.
Subservice 2 (Set All Palette Registers and Overscan Register)
ES:DX points to a 17-byte color list, in which the first 16 bytes
consist of new values for the 16 palette registers and the last byte
is the new overscan register value.
Normally bit 7 of the attribute byte is used to indicate foreground
blinking. With this subservice, bit 7 can indicate foreground blinking
(BL=1) or background intensity (BL=0).
Subservice 3 (Toggle intensify/blinking bit)
VGA Only:
Subservice 7 (Get value of Color register)
Subservice 8 (Get Overscan value)
Subservice 9 (Load Color Registers into ...)
Subservice 10h (Set Color Register)
Subservice 12h (Change color registers ..)
Subservice 13h (Set page ....)
Subservice 15h (Read Color Register)
Subservice 17h (Load Color Registers into memory)
Subservice 1Ah (Get Color Page information)
See Also:
INT 10h, 0Bh
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Written by Dave Pearson